

go-tools-1.11.20180825 – various tools for the Go programming language


This package holds the source for various packages and tools that support the Go
programming language:

 * benchcmp	displays performance changes between benchmarks
 * bundle	creates a single-source-file version of a source package suitable
		for inclusion in a particular target package
 * callgraph	a tool for reporting the call graph of a Go program
 * digraph	performs queries over unlabelled directed graphs represented in
		text form
 * eg		performs example-based refactoring
 * fiximports	fixes import declarations to use the canonical import path for
 		packages that have an "import comment"
 * godex	dumps exported information of packages or selected objects
 * godoc	extracts and generates documentation for Go programs
 * goimports	updates Go import lines
 * gomvpkg	moves go packages, updating import declarations
 * gorename	performs precise type-safe renaming of identifiers in Go code
 * gotype	syntactic and semantic analysis of Go files and packages
 * html2article	takes an HTML file and outputs a corresponding article file in
		present format
 * oracle	answers questions about Go source code
 * ssadump	displays and interprets the SSA form of Go programs
 * stress	utility intended for catching of episodic failures
 * stringer	creation of methods that satisfy the fmt.Stringer interface

WWW: https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools

Only for arches
amd64 i386
devel lang/go

Library dependencies


Build dependencies

Run dependencies